It has been a great year for .NET development! A Visual Studio Community is fully featured, .NET Core has arrived, and everything is open source. Regarding .NET Core, I am really enjoying working with it, and I simply cannot wait to get deeper into the Linux world.
I finally had to downgrade from three posts per month to only two posts per month. Unfortunately writing quality blog posts tasks time, and that was not something that I had in great abundance this year. Fortunately, I do think that the majority of posts this year were very high quality, especially when you look at the most recent ones. I have been working a lot with performance optimization, and have really been enjoying profiling and digging deep into code to see exactly what it is doing and why.

I am very happy to have launched Tact.NET this year! I have always really enjoyed creating frameworks, so rather than continue to write one off posts on this blog I decide to put all of my extracurricular worth together under one repository. I am really enjoying making Tact, and I have every intention of continuing to grow it.
QQ Cast
Wow, the QQ Cast is back! We took a hiatus for the second half of 2015, but in 2016 we recorded 43 podcasts. Next week is actually going to be our 100th episode, be sure to check it out!
Happy new year,