Monday, October 31, 2016

IOC Container for Tact.NET

Autofac now supports .NET Core, but other IOC frameworks such as Ninject and Unity have yet to port over. While I was looking into IOC frameworks for .NET Core, I had a bad idea...I, for fun, wrote my own Container in Tact.NET!

So, why did I do this? Honestly, it was just a fun academic exercise! I do think that this is a pretty good container, and I intend to use it in some of my personal projects. Would I recommend that YOU use this? Probably not yet, but I would invite you take a look and offer feedback!

Container Design

I have broken the container into two interfaces: IContainer for registration, and IResolver for consumption. There is a abstract class, ContainerBase, that can be inherited to easily create a container that matches other frameworks; for example, I intend to create a IDependencyResolver for ASP.NET.

You may notice that the IContainer does not have any lifetime management methods, that is because ALL of them are implemented as extension methods...


To create a new lifetime manager you have to implement the IRegistration interface. There are already implementations for quite a few:

Resolution Handlers

The last part of the container is the IResolutionHandler interface. These resolution handlers are used when an exact registration match is not found during dependency resolution. For example, the EnumerableResolutionHandler will use ResolveAll to get a collection of whatever type is being requested. Another very different example, the ThrowOnFailResolutionHandler will cause an exception to be thrown when no match can be found.

I think that is a pretty good start, but I am hoping that this will continue to grow with time.


Introducing Tact.NET

I have decided to create a project to consolidate all of the utilities that I have authored over the years on this blog...

Tact.NET - A tactful collection of utilities for .NET development.

I believe that this will give me the opportunity to update old code more often, as well as develop new utilities faster. For example, the there is already an ILog interface that optimizes (thank you, Jeremy) the Caller Information Extensions I wrote about about back in May.

Everything that I add to this project will be build for the .NET Standard Library, and should support .NET Core on all platforms. Expect to see NuGet packages soon, and hopefully many more blog posts to come.


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