What do you do when you need to read text from a file in .NET, but you want to start from an offset? This is a slightly niche scenario, but it does happen. Below is a solution to that problem.
To summarize the implementation, you open a file stream, seek to your offset, and then read in the bytes from there. While loading the result I read small chunks into a buffer, decoded them, and then added the decoded string to a string buffer for storage. Please note that if you are using a multibyte encoding then this helper will only work if you use the correct offset.
Helper Code
public class FileHelper
private const int BufferSize = 1024;
public static string ReadAllTextFromOffset(
string path,
Encoding encoding,
int offset,
out int totalLength)
using (var fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open))
totalLength = offset;
if (offset > 0)
fs.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var buffer = new byte[BufferSize];
int readCount;
readCount = fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
totalLength += readCount;
var subString = encoding.GetString(buffer, 0, readCount);
while (readCount == buffer.Length);
return sb.ToString();
Test Code
public class FileHelperTests
private const string Path = "C:/Code/";
public void ReadAllTextWithOffset()
const string path = Path + "ReadAllTextWithOffset.txt";
var encd = Encoding.Default;
File.WriteAllText(path, "Hello World Goodnight Moon", encd);
int al;
var a = FileHelper.ReadAllTextFromOffset(path, encd, 0, out al);
int bl;
var b = FileHelper.ReadAllTextFromOffset(path, encd, 2, out bl);
Assert.Equal(a.Length - 2, b.Length);
int cl;
var c = FileHelper.ReadAllTextFromOffset(path, encd, 12, out cl);
Assert.Equal(a.Length - 12, c.Length);
public void ReadAllTextWithOffsetTooFar()
const string path = Path + "ReadAllTextWithOffsetTooFar.txt";
var encd = Encoding.Default;
File.WriteAllText(path, "Hello World Goodnight Moon", encd);
int l;
var s = FileHelper.ReadAllTextFromOffset(path, encd, 128, out l);
Assert.Equal(string.Empty, s);
Assert.Equal(128, l);
public void ReadAllTextWithOffsetWithUpdates()
const string path = Path + "ReadAllTextWithOffsetWithUpdates.txt";
var encd = Encoding.Default;
var a = "Hello World" + Environment.NewLine;
File.AppendAllText(path, a, encd);
int al;
var at = FileHelper.ReadAllTextFromOffset(path, encd, 0, out al);
Assert.Equal(a, at);
var b = "Goodnight Moon" + Environment.NewLine;
File.AppendAllText(path, b, encd);
int bl;
var bt = FileHelper.ReadAllTextFromOffset(path, encd, al, out bl);
Assert.Equal(b, bt);
That will only work with single-byte encodings, such as Encoding.Default; with multi-byte encodings (UTF-16, UTF-32) or variable-length encodings (UTF-8), it works only if the offset is exactly at the start of a character.
ReplyDeleteYes, you are correct. I have updated the article to point that out. :)