Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Three Things All Applications SHOULD WANT to Have

This is the third in a three part series:

  1. Three Things that all Applications MUST Have
  2. Three Things that all Applications SHOULD Have
  3. Three Things that all Applications SHOULD WANT to Have

Somehow these three things are quite controversial. I have had many debates with people who are not using these practices and services, and they are not convinced of their usefulness. However everyone I have met that has used these tools is always a staunch defender of their value! I beg you to give these a chance, try them out and they will prove their merit to you!

Do you agree or disagree with these practices? Let me know in the comments!

1. Error Reporting

How do you know what is wrong with your application? Without proof you are just guessing!

Reporting errors to a central location helps you solve problems the moment they begin, not after they have negatively impacted your entire user base. Here is a fun Microsoft statistic: 80% of customer issues can be solved by fixing 20% of the top-reported bugs. So start reporting your exceptions today!

2. User Impersonation

The easiest way to recreate a bug reported from a specific user is to actually be that user. By adding user impersonation to your application you can save your QA team hours of time. While I completely understand the security concerns of this feature, I must still emphasize the value that it returns in the forms of testing and debugging.

You may want to take this code out in production, but make sure you have in QA and Dev!

3. Continuous Deployment

There is a difference between continuous delivery and continuous deployment, and I am talking about continuous deployment. Just imagine: instant bug fixes, constant streams of new features, and best of all no more deployment schedules! This is not a cheap goal to achieve and it requires continuous maintenance of your tests and deployments, but so does all software development!

To be honest I have never worked in an environment where we made it all the way to continuous deployment, but I would really like to someday! The few people I have met who have been able to accomplish this task had nothing but great things to say about it. Like always I would suggest starting small with a new practice like this, pick an internal application or minor project and begin your foray into continuous deployment from there.

Miss a post in this series? Start over with part 1: Three Things that all Applications MUST Have


Monday, May 26, 2014

Three Things that all Applications SHOULD Have

This is the second in a three part series:

  1. Three Things that all Applications MUST Have
  2. Three Things that all Applications SHOULD Have
  3. Three Things that all Applications SHOULD WANT to Have

These three things are all generally agreed upon as being best practice, and few people will argue against their value. Unfortunately not all teams take the time to set them up. Again, I can not emphasize how much time these services will save you time in the long run, the earlier you set them up the more value they will return to you!

1. Dynamic Configuration

What the hell is "dynamic" configuration? It's configuration that is simply not not static or hard coded. Do not use constant strings or compiler symbols to configure your application! Start by using configuration files and build transforms. If your system is very distributed, consider using remote or discovered configuration.

2. Continuous Integration

How do you know that the code in your source control is in a functional state? If not, who broke the build? Continuous integration is the practice of consistently pulling and building the projects in source control in an automated fashion. Typically these builds will also execute any tests associated with the project and provide reports for each build. This is crucial rapid development, and is a necessary first step on the road to continuous deployment.

3. Automated Deployment

Before we can get to continuous deployment we have to start with automated deployment. This is simply the act of having a service that deploys your applications to an environment without the need for any significant human interaction; i.e. you can deploy with the click of a button! Automated deployment is extremely useful because it drastically speeds up deployments, prevents human error, and restricts access to different environments (such as production). Please, do not under estimate the value that a deployment system can provide!

Continue reading part 3: Three Things that all Applications SHOULD WANT to Have


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Three Things that all Applications MUST Have

This is the first in a three part series:

  1. Three Things that all Applications MUST Have
  2. Three Things that all Applications SHOULD Have
  3. Three Things that all Applications SHOULD WANT to Have

I feel very strongly that when you start a new project you should spend your first day or two just setting up a few basic utilities. For every hour you spend at the beginning of a project setting up these tools you will save yourself days down the line.

1. Logging

What is your application doing? How can you debug it? Will that work in all environments? The go to answer for these questions should always be logging!

I am constantly amazed at how many applications do not have a logger. To be fair, most of the time when I do not see a logger it is because the application is small or started out as a one off project. However to me that is all the more reason to just take the time and setup a logger right from a project's inception, then you know it will always be there. Thick client, thin client, or back end service, it should have a logger!

2. Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection is a pattern that drives a lot of best practices: it allows you to loosely couple your modules, forces you to consider the number dependencies any given module requires, and perhaps most importantly it makes your code very testable. The inversion of control that dependency injection provides also enables you to refactor and test in ways that are almost unachievable without it.

It can take a little while to fully understand dependency injection, especially the intricacies of lifetime management, but once you understand the fundamentals you can apply that knowledge to any language and any framework.

3. A Test Project

There is no reason not to have a test project as part of your solution. Regardless of how you feel about Test Driven Development (TDD) as a best practice we should all be able to agree that unit testing does provide value and is a good thing.

I encourage you to start simple: just create a test project with ONE unit test inside of it. Even if you do not have time to write tests right now, just having the project already setup will enable you to write them later. Additionally, just thinking about writing unit tests encourages you to author more testable code; so if absolutely nothing else then just use your test project as a best practices placebo!

Continue reading part 2: Three Things that all Applications SHOULD Have


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Compile TypeScript On Request with BundleTransformer

I have talked before about BundleTransformer, and how you can use it to compile your LESS on a per request basis. Did you know that it supports TypeScript too?

BundleTransformer is an add on for Microsoft's System.Web.Optimization frame work bundling and minification of web resources. It allows you to convert your compiled languages on the server on request instead of need to create and maintain complied versions of resource files. Best of all BundleTransformer uses a JavaScript engine to compile LESS and TypeScript in with native compiler, ensuring that you will never lag behind the latest version.

Required NuGet Packages

The BundleTransfomer will bring in System.Web.Optimization, but then you need to specify a JavaScriptEngineSwitcher for the framework to run on, as well as a minifier to use on the final scripts when in release.

After including these packages you need only make three more updates...

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