Saturday, March 15, 2014

String.Concat vs StringBuilder Performance

Time for yet another micro-optimization!

Everyone knows that Strings are immutable in .NET, thus the StringBuilder class is very important for saving memory when dealing with manipulating large strings.

...but what about performance?

Interestingly, StringBuilder is just an all around better way to combine strings! It is more memory efficient, and less processor intensive; but not by much. Below is a comparison of performance between different ways of combine strings.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Migrating from Moq to NSubstitute

Mocking is a necessary evil for unit testing.

Fortunately frameworks like NSubstitute make it painless setup your mock services. NSubstitute offers a fluent API that requires few lambdas and no calls to an Object property. You just get back the interface that you are substituting and work with it directly. Frankly, NSubstitute is so easy to work with that it almost seems like magic!

Below is a visual representation of equivalent commands between Moq and NSubstitute:


public void NSubstitute()
    var tester = Substitute.For<ITester>();
    var voidArg = String.Empty;
        .When(t => t.Void(Arg.Any<string>()))
        .Do(i => voidArg = i.Arg<string>());
    Assert.Equal("A", voidArg);
    var boolResult = tester.Bool();
    Assert.Equal(true, boolResult);
    var intResult = tester.Int;
    Assert.Equal(1, intResult);


public void Moq()
    var tester = new Mock<ITester>();
    // Setup a callback for a void method. -------
    var voidArg = String.Empty;
        .Setup(t => t.Void(It.IsAny<string>()))
        .Callback<string>(s => voidArg = s);
    Assert.Equal("A", voidArg);
    // Setup the result of a method. -------------
        .Setup(t => t.Bool())
    var boolResult = tester.Object.Bool();
    Assert.Equal(true, boolResult);
    // Setup the result of a property. -----------
        .SetupGet(t => t.Int)
    var intResult = tester.Object.Int;
    Assert.Equal(1, intResult);
    // Ensure that a function was called. --------
    tester.Verify(m => m.Void("A"), Times.Once);
    // Ensure that a function was NOT called. ----
    tester.Verify(m => m.Void("B"), Times.Never);


Saturday, March 8, 2014

String.Concat vs String.Format Performance

Time for another micro-optimization!

When building strings it is almost always easiest to write and maintain a typical format statement. However, what is the cost of that over just concatenating strings? When building strings for cache keys (which I know are going to get called a lot) I try to use String.Concat instead of String.Format. Let's look at why!

Below is a table showing a comparison the performance difference between String.Concat and String.Format. The Y axis is the number of arguments being concatenated. The X axis is the number of milliseconds it takes to complete 100,000 runs.

of Args
Percent Faster
2 4ms 10ms 150%
3 3ms 13ms 333%
4 4ms 16ms 300%
5 12ms 21ms 75%
6 14ms 24ms 71%
7 16ms 28ms 75%
8 18ms 31ms 72%

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Log Performance in a Using Block with Common.Logging

You should be using Common.Logging to share your logger between projects.

Common.Logging is a great and lightweight way to share dependencies without requiring that you also share implementation. It is how several of my projects that use Log4Net are able to shares resources with another team that uses NLog. But that is not what I am here to talk about!

How do you log performance quickly and easily?

No, I do not mean performance counters. No, I do not mean interceptors for dependency injection. I want something far more lightweight and simplistic! What I want is the ability to simply log if too much time is spent in a specific block of code. For example...

public void MyMethod1(ILog log)
    // If this using block takes more than 100 milliseconds,
    // then I want it to write to my Info log. However
    // if this using block takes more than 1 second,
    // then I want it to write to my Warn log instead.
    using (log.PerfElapsedTimer("MyMethod took too long!"))
        var obj = GetFromApi();

The PerfElapsedTimer is just a simple little extension method that I wrote, under the hood it just wraps a Stopwatch in an IDisposable. Feel free to grab the code from below and start using it yourself.

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